AVC Elite Training and Diaz Human Performance are partnering to train and trek through gorgeous Catalina Island off the coast of California.  The trans Catalina distance trek through the 42,000-acre unpaved interior protected by the Catalina Island Conservancy  promises dramatic changes in elevation and varied ecosystems along the secluded trails.


The AVC Elite Catalina Trekkers were featured in the March 2010 edition of Las Sendas UpClose.  Photos appear courtesy of UpClose Publications, Kim Phllips and photographer AnnElise Makin.

This amazing Catalina Island Adventure/Nordic Trek Marathon $599 per person package includes:

  • Boat ride to/from Santa Catalina Island from San Pedro port
  • Dinner Friday night
  • 2 nights hotel
  • Catalina Adventure Trek
  • Goody bags
  • T-shirt

The Catalina Travel Trek is anticipated to sell out, so if you are planning on jumping on board with us please reserve your spot ASAP.

Are you so excited you want to share the adventure with companions?  Add-on Guest Packages are available for non-trekking participants.

Guests are welcome and will enjoy:

  • Boat ride to/from Santa Catalina Island from San Pedro port
  • Dinner Friday night
  • 2 nights hotel
  • Supporting your athlete's accomplishment - priceless!

AVC Elite Training is here to help you every step of the way and with plenty of time to prepare, the goal is within your reach.  Trekking is a wonderful adjunct to any type of training and will give you a goal into the New Year, training for something that is sure to be a one-of-a-kind experience!  Reserve your spot on the Catalina Island Adventure Trek today!

Unable to participate in the this Catalina Travel Trek but still wish to experience the benefits of trekking?  You are invited to select the Power Trekking Training Package.

For $249, Package Includes:

  • Training beginning November 20, 2010
  • Training includes: Group Treks, Form and Technique Coaching, Track Work, Nutrition Advice, Heart Rate Training, Individual Training and Guidance from AVC Elite Training and more!

¹Non-Trekking Catalina Package is non-refundable, but transferrable.

Group treks will be endurance building longer treks scheduled in advance on weekends.